Mallorca 2019
Since 2018, I have been laying the foundation to bringing social scientists and computer scientists together in order to produce better knowledge in cybersecurity. I am engaged in establishing enduring institutions that will change the field of cybersecurity. At Georgia Tech (GT), I am one of the founding faculty members of the School of Cybersecurity and Privacy (20% appointment (2021-2023)) that is the first of its kind, an international, interdisciplinary school devoted to research and education in cybersecurity and privacy. I established the Cybersecurity Summer Institute (CSI) at GT. While political science fields have a number of intensive summer program, none existed for cybersecurity until now. Outside of GT, I co-organized the Digital Issues Discussion Group (DIDG) a collaborative and interactive bi-weekly online workshop series with the aim of encouraging excellent and innovative research on issues related to global integration of information and communication technologies (ICTs) that currently has more than 200 cybersecurity scholars and practitioners. Through the CSI and DIDG networks, I began bringing new and diverse voices into cybersecurity research and the educational community and the policy and technical worlds closer together.